Do Microwaves Ovens Zap Food Nutrients?

by | Mar 31, 2019 | Appliance repair | 1 comment

The microwave was discovered through a 1946 accidental invention when Percy Spencer, an engineer, was testing an electric whistle that produces vibrating electromagnetic waves. While he was at it, he noticed that a peanut butter cluster bar that was in his pocket had melted. To confirm his curiosity, Spencer conducted two tests; one with kernel popcorn and another with an egg and they both confirmed the ability of electromagnetic waves to heat. This is how one of the kitchens most used appliance was born.

Lately though, there has been unending debates on whether this convenience appliance depletes food off its nutrients. You most likely have come across that person who won’t purchase a microwave oven for this fear. But, does a microwave actually degrade your food? This article will clear your lingering doubts.

Truth is, cooking food is necessary for increased absorption and digestion in our bodies. However, inevitably, some nutrients are lost in the process. Cooking or heating food using any method will generally decrease nutrients in some foods. Water-soluble vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamins B and C are reduced by heat. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium are also reduced. However, other nutrients such as antioxidants in some vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots increase during heating. So, it all goes down to the type of food and the amount of exposure to heat.

According to research by Harvard, the cooking method that perseveres food nutrients is one that uses as little fluid as possible, cooks food quickly, or one that heats it for the shortest amount of time. The microwave meets these requirements; the cook times are shorter meaning it helps retain more nutrients in food than any other method. Microwaving vegetables will keep more nutrients intact than methods such as boiling. For instance, boiled broccoli loses glucosinolate, the cancer-fighting compound. Steaming broccoli in a microwave will on the other hand help retain nutrients and flavor.

The World Health Organization reported that following manufacturer’s instructions when using microwaves, ensures safety. The other concern people struggle with is the possible radiation chemical and radiation leakage. WHO goes on to say that the microwaves design safely limits the waves within the oven. Still on safety, it’s important to note that microwaves require high bursts of energy to cook, so for this reason, you need to cook using the right containers as indicated in the manual. Cooking food in unsafe containers could cause leakage of carcinogenic toxins into your food.

On a final note, microwaves do offer convenience, but they are not meant to take care of all your culinary needs. For instance, defrosting meat using the microwave is always a bad idea.  Microwaves use high-frequency wavelengths to heat food from the outside. The heat, much like in a traditional oven radiates inside. So, the heat will heat the meat from outside, but it’ll still be frozen from the inside. Another thing to remember is that you should always cover food when heating it in the microwave.

For Winnipeg oven repair, don’t hesitate to contact Mike’s Quality Services!