Gas Vs. Electric Ovens

Gas Vs. Electric Ovens: Repair Considerations & Differences In Maintenance

If you are lucky enough to have the choice between an electric oven and a gas stove, you might wonder which one you should choose. Both gas and electric ovens have unique considerations when it comes to maintenance and repair work. Understanding how these two appliances compare can guide your decision-making process and make shopping a breeze. Here is what you need to know about the major differences between gas ovens and an electric stove: 

Cleaning Electric Ranges Vs. Gas Burners

When it comes to appliance maintenance, the first thing to consider is your day-to-day maintenance efforts: How easy is it to clean the range? Most people find that a glass cooktop, usually associated with an electric range, is the easiest to wipe clean. There are fewer parts and crevices for food particles to get into compared to a gas range. It will take a bit

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Why Is My Whirlpool Oven Not Cooking Evenly?

   Nothing is more disappointing than putting your energy and heart into a recipe, anticipating a delicious outcome, and ending up with a sub-standard result.   Are grandma’s famous cookies coming out black around the edges but raw in the middle?  Or perhaps you’ve carefully seasoned a roast that turned out to be overdone in some places and underdone in others?   The blame does not necessarily lie with the chef.   It could be your oven. If your Whirlpool oven is repeatedly transforming home-cooked dishes into disasters, it’s time to investigate.  While a visit from an appliance repair technician may be in order, try these simple tips to address uneven cooking before calling in an expert: 

Back to Basics

 It doesn’t take a technical expert to troubleshoot the following checklist.  And yet each item on the list can be a culprit of uneven cooking.  Let’s take a

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woman cleaning the oven

The Oven Won’t Self-Clean

 If you’re anything like me, the thought of a self-cleaning oven fills your heart with joy.No need to put on rubber gloves? Source steel wool? Or spend the afternoon with your head and shoulders awkwardly lodged under the stove?Sign me up.There’s a good reason why the self-cleaning function (technically known as the pyrolytic function) is standard nowadays on nearly all brand-name ovens.But, when your oven suddenly stops self-cleaning, it can make for a real meltdown (pun intended).  Whether you’re preparing to host a major holiday meal or simply baking cookies on a weekend afternoon, you’ll want to know what to do.If the problem persists, of course, you’ll want to call an appliance repair technician.  But before you get to that point, there are a few simple tricks you can try on your own.  Let’s take a look:

Troubleshooting Before Self-Cleaning

Before you attempt to run the self-clean cycle in your oven, be

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a hand turns stove temperature to 200C

Baking Or Broiling Not Working Correctly

 When you’re hungry, you have little patience for faulty appliances; it’s a state of being known as hangry (hunger anger). There’s no time to assemble an extravagant meal - you need to put something in the oven and eat it ASAP. When you take your meal out twenty minutes later, you find that it’s room temperature. What gives? There’s never a good time for an oven to break down, but it becomes a real problem when your dinner is on the line. You use your oven to bake or broil different foods, depending on the thickness and cook time required. With baking, food is cooked using hot air; broiling makes use of infrared radiation. Meals that take longer to cook, like cakes and casseroles, need to be baked. A dish that you

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a man burned food in the stove

Smoking Oven? 6 Potential Problems

 Has this happened to you? You’ve just prepared a delicious meal, put it in the oven to bake - and found that your appliance is quickly filling up with smoke! You can’t miss the burning smell that threatens to ruin all your hard work, and potentially cause damage to your home. To diagnose this common problem, read further to discover why your oven is smoking: It’s caused by food debris. Perhaps your last cooking experiment didn’t go according to plan. Leftover bits of grease and food can cause a smoking oven in no time. Prevent oil splatters by covering dishes with lids as well as placing them on baking sheets. Make sure to give your oven a thorough cleaning to remove anything left behind from last night’s supper. Your oven is brand new. Sometimes, there is a leftover coating on new ovens

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woman shows her oven problem to a mechanic

6 Common Oven Problems

 It is one of the most frequently used home appliances and also one that brings families together during dinner times and special occasions. Just think of holidays like Thanksgiving and other festive holidays - all the grilling and baking of mouth-watering delicacies nourish our taste buds. Obviously, the last thing you need in the midst of cooking your favourite dish is an oven that keeps breaking down. Here are the six most common oven problems you shouldn’t ignore: 1. Unstable temperature variationsHeating is the key function of your oven. The set temperature should be stable during cooking. If the temperature is inconsistent, you’ll need to recalibrate it according to the manual’s instructions. A faulty thermostat will cause temperature variations. You can use a thermometer to test the precise temperature of the thermostat upon preheating the oven. If none of these suggestions work, your best bet is to

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a mechanic is repairing an oven

How To Spot 4 Common Problems With Electric Ovens

 Given their lower cost of installation, ease of use, and even cooking temperatures, electric ovens are popular kitchen appliances. But like any other electric appliance, the electric oven will at some point require repairs and maintenance.  As a rule of thumb with home appliances, the faster you identify a fault, the quicker you can hire a high-quality appliance repair professional and avoid hefty repair costs because often, minor issues can turn severe pretty quickly. These are the four most common electric oven problems:  1.     Oven Not Heating UpIf your food is routinely coming out cold or raw, it means the oven is not generating heat. This is a common problem with many possible causes: Could be the thermostat fuse has failed and can therefore not start the oven. Or, the heating elements have burnt out hence

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man is opening a smoking oven

Why is My Oven Smoking?

Whether it’s a light haze or dark plumes of smoke emanating from the oven, a smoky oven can be a cause for alarm. But while you should not ignore smoke coming from your oven, not all oven smoke spells danger. For you to tell the difference, you need a walk-through on the various reasons why your oven might be smoking.

First, if you recently purchased the oven, a little smoke should be expected. It could be that some pieces of the packing materials such as tape, plastic, or form remained behind after unpacking. So as the oven interiors heat, the materials burn and cause smoke. The way to deal with this is to let the oven cool then remove any leftover scraps. The other cause of smoke in new ovens is bonding agents curing in the unit. To get rid of recurrent smell and smoke,

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Ovens: Temperature Issues and Their Common Causes

The oven is a kitchen darling without which our meal tables would be devoid of the mouthwatering Machchi Ke Sooley, or the yummy Margherita Pizza. At their core, ovens are fairly simple appliances, but like every machine, things can go wrong. Over time, ovens, like all other machines wear out. Which is why, keeping contacts of a Winnipeg stove repair licensed contractor can save you in the nick of time. If your oven is not heating, cooks unevenly, or undercooks food, these are the four most common oven temperature issues.No HeatThe most likely cause of your oven not heating up at all, is a faulty igniter. It’s either this or a more serious gas line problem. To rule out the problem with gas line, check to see if the range above the oven is working properly. If

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What to do If Your Oven Catches Fire

The kitchen is a fire’s playroom. Even the slightest mistake could cause an oven fire. While it’s not impossible to put out an oven blaze, preventing extensive damage largely depends on your preparedness and swift execution of the right actions. You, therefore, need to know what to do, and what not to do when an oven catches fire. This article takes you through some common causes of oven fires, how to prevent them, and how do deal with an oven blaze.Electric, convection, and microwave ovens usually catch fire due to broken electric wires, an electric surge, or improper use. Since ovens stay plugged most of the time, make a habit of counterchecking electric connections to ensure that everything is in place, especially after thorough-cleaning your kitchen. Also, avoid running electric cords under the carpets; frayed electrical cords can ignite the rugs

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