Getting Rid of the Rust on Your Home Appliances

by | Feb 10, 2019 | Appliance repair | 1 comment

The leading home appliance manufacturers in the world continuously innovate their products to guarantee longevity. Apart from the slight probability of malfunctioning, the most persistent threat to most home appliances is rust. Even the most high-quality appliances face the threat of developing a few rusty patches over years of continuous use. With a little care, you can keep the ugly spots at bay and enjoy the most from your appliance.

So, we ask the big question, ‟what causes rust?” The stubborn brownish stains emerge as a result of oxidation. It’s a chemical reaction in which iron combines with oxygen and water, leading to corrosion on the metal. But manufacturers make most of their products from stainless steel, which is rust resistant. So how does it get to them? Your appliance maintenance practices are probably to blame.

Scratches on the surface of your stainless-steel appliance are the number one cause of rust. Abrasive cleaning scratches the plastic coating or steel finishing of your appliance. This, in turn, exposes the underneath metal to rust. Even worse, harsh detergents used to clean such appliances worsen the tear on the coating, which in turn speeds up rusting and makes it more widespread.  

To protect your appliances from rust, you must change your appliance maintenance practices. Keep all the harsh cleaning products at bay. These include metal scouring pads used to clean other kitchenware. Instead, opt for gentler cleaning products and softer scouring pads available in the market. Additionally, since leaks expose appliances to excess water and in the long run cause rust, regular inspection with the aim of identifying any leaks is important.

If the damage is already done and your appliance has is showing signs of rust, removing these annoying patches is as simple as ABC. All you require is a little baking soda, some lime juice, and a toothbrush. Mix the baking soda with equal amounts of lime juice until it is pasty. Apply the paste to the rusted area and gently scrub with the toothbrush. For the very persistent rust stains, keep the paste on the rusted area for about 30 minutes before you scrub it off.

In the absence of baking soda, white vinegar can do the trick. Since vinegar is less viscous compared to the baking soda paste, use a rag to scrub off the rust from the affected area. The rust should wash away after a couple of scrubs. Removing the rust patches is just half the battle. You still need to restore the shine your appliance had before.

Manufacturers provide touch-up paints for fixing scratches and restoring the shine on their appliances. There however is a more affordable option; good old plain oil. Simply dip a soft rag in a little plain oil and rub it onto the area you have just scrubbed with baking soda or vinegar. Baby oil, olive oil, and mineral oil give impressive results. Ensure you rub the oil in the same direction as the metallic grain of the appliance to avoid further scratching the torn surface. Finally, after the oil has dried up, polish up the area with a soft buffing cloth to give it that new shine.

Regular maintenance goes a long way in ensuring the longevity of your home appliances. Make it a habit of scheduling regular appliance repair service for the best results!