What’s Causing My Dryer To Squeak?

What’s Causing My Dryer To Squeak?

When your dryer squeaks, it’s like nails on a chalkboard for your laundry room. That squeaking noise isn’t just annoying; it’s a red flag that something inside your dryer cabinet might need to be replaced.Whether it’s the dryer’s feet, a belt issue, or trouble as the drum rotates, these loud noises are a cry for help from your trusty appliance. Don't let that squealing sound ruin your laundry day.Keep reading to uncover what’s causing the ruckus and how appliance repair can bring back your peace:

Why Is My Dryer Squeaking? 

The squeaking sound might come from worn-out parts within the dryer cavity or issues caused by foreign objects and build-up. If your tumble dryer is making loud noises, it’s likely dealing with signs of wear.Because dryers run at high temperatures, these issues can escalate, leading to future damage if ignored.Whether

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Pros & Cons Of All-In-One Washer-Dryer Combos

Pros & Cons Of All-In-One Washer-Dryer Combos

Combining your washing and drying appliance sounds dreamy, doesn't it? Having one machine that does washing and drying instead of two standalone washing machines can be a great advantage, especially if you want to save space.Washer-dryer combos have become increasingly popular, and there is a wide selection of washer-dryers at retail stores. So, if you're thinking about purchasing one, read this first to learn if it's the right choice for your lifestyle. 

Pros Of Washer-Dryer Combos


Space Saver

The first and most obvious advantage of a washer-dryer combo is that it saves space. It is often the preferred choice for homeowners who live in condos, as you only need to store one appliance instead of two in the laundry room, saving half the space.

Less Hassle

We all know the irritation of heading to the laundry room to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer

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Laundry Day Bliss: How Proper Washer & Dryer Maintenance Make A Difference

Did you know that the cleanliness of your clothes and linens relies on more than just laundry detergent and fabric softener? Your washing machines and dryers require maintenance to create fresh-smelling laundry. Whether you have a front-loading or a top-loading washing machine, you need to know how to maintain your appliances for clean laundry:

Leave the Washing Machine Door Open

Perhaps the easiest thing you can do to maintain your washing machine is to leave the lid open after a wash cycle. This allows your laundry appliances to dry thoroughly and minimizes the likelihood of mould and mildew growth on the interior. Without following this one simple step, you may unknowingly seal in moisture between washes. Additionally, you should try to empty your washing machine as soon after the load finishes as possible. 

Regular Washing Machine Cleaning

Even though you add detergent to your clothes when you

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Why Are My Clothes Still Wet After Running The Dryer?

  Few experiences are more frustrating than opening your dryer expecting the delightful warmth of a soft, fresh pile of dry and fluffy laundry… …only to find a musty smell and cold, damp clothing items flattened against each other in a sad little heap at the bottom of the dryer.   Yuck. Aside from the immediate disappointment of not being able to wear your favourite outfit or put the sheets back on the guest bed, you’ll also be wanting to know what’s wrong with your dryer and how to make sure this scenario doesn’t repeat itself.  After all, that’s the whole point of owning a dryer in the first place! Some, but not all, of the reasons behind a dryer that won’t dry properly require expert intervention.  Before you call for Winnipeg appliance repair services, check out these quick fixes first: 


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a woman with dirty laundry near washing machine

Dryer Vent Warning Signs

 Where would we be without our laundry machines? We rely on them to clean our clothes, bedsheets, and even our face masks. An appliance like this gets a lot of usage in a week. It’s no wonder why, over time, your dryer vent can become plugged up with lint. However, this is more dangerous than it might sound.Have you ever heard the horror stories about what happens when dryer vents get dirty? They aren’t pretty—when lint gets trapped in your dryer vent, it can start a devastating fire. Lint is highly flammable; when the heat of your dryer mixes with a buildup of lint, it’s a recipe for a house fire.If you notice any of the signs below, then it’s time to get your dryer vent cleaned: 

You Notice A Strange Smell

The smell of burning lint is hard

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a man installing a washing machine

How To Prepare For Your Washer & Dryer Installation

 You’ve had enough of your outdated washer and dryer, and decided it’s time for an upgrade. The investment that you’re making is a smart one: new laundry machines are more energy-efficient, which will save you money on utility bills. A new machine means you’ll avoid costly repairs. After you’ve made your purchase, all that’s left to do is set up the washer and dryer.  But before the installation crew arrives, take these precautionary steps to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible: Measure the space. It’d be impossible to count how many times an installation crew has arrived with new appliances, only to discover that they don’t fit through the front door. Not all washing machines are built the same way - even if you are buying the same brand as your previous systems, the new models may

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close up of laundry inside the washing machine

How Long Should It Take For My Dryer To Get My Laundry Dry?

Does your dryer seem to take forever to dry clothes? Assuming that you’re not overloading the washer, an average load should take between 30 and 45 minutes to dry. It could even take less time for lighter fabrics. Items such as towels and areas like the seams and pockets of your jeans may take a bit longer, but anything beyond one hour spells trouble. If your dryer takes too long to dry clothes, you need to talk to professionals who offer the best appliance repair service because there might be a fault with one or several of the dryer parts.

Heating Element

The heating element is the coiled wire in every electric dryer responsible for heating the air drawn in. Every time you turn the dryer on, electricity transmits the charge to the coil and this causes the coil to heat

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man taking the lent of dryer machine

Dryer Fires and Preventative Measures

Dryer fires are one of the most overlooked fire hazards in households. Proper Installation by a licensed technician is the first step to making sure you don’t fall victim of appliance fires. This is because technicians who have some years of experience are familiar with the majority of manufacturer's instructions. So the installation process for them will be seamless. If not Installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, a dryer is at risk of catching fire. All connections for electrical power, gas supply, and grounding must comply with local codes.


Another top cause of dryer fires is lint buildup. Although most people are unaware of this fact, lint is the most flammable items in the house. Lint is the visible accumulations of textile fibers on the lint screen of a clothes dryer. As clothes tumble in the dryer,

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woman loading the washing machine

How to Get the Smell of Must Out of your Dryer

A correctly functioning dryer vent system permits moisture to escape the vent, yet a clogged vent system will block the moisture and trap it inside the vent, laundry room, or dryer. In moist environments, mildew and mold thrive, and you’re left with an unpleasant odor in the space and on your clothes. To fix this and prohibit the growth of mildew and mold, the vent system has to be cleaned so that dampness can escape.The moldy odor inside your dryer might be because someone leaves damp clothing inside the dryer too long or built-up lint has become moldy and damp. It is better to eliminate the moldy odor before a dryer starts transferring the odor to clean clothing. Typical household cleaning tools and products may help you eliminate of the odor before your clothing starts soaking it up.Pull the lint screen of the dryer out. Pull

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washing machine and dryer side by side in the bathroom

How to Improve the Lifespan of Your Dryer

While there’s a lot of debate as to whether electric or gas dryers last longer, there are a few things you may do to prolong the lifespan of both kinds of units. Like washing machines, dryers are appliances which greatly can improve the convenience of one’s life. Having the ability to dry your clothing whenever you wish is a lot easier than hanging them out on the line or visiting the laundromat. Below are five maintenance ideas to use so you can improve your dryer’s performance; therefore, it is possible to continue to appreciate its advantages for years to come.Don’t Overload your DryerOverloading your dryer actually can cause it to break down. Your clothing requires hot air circulation and as the appliance is stuffed, air can’t circulate as much as it should to dry your clothing. Rather than decreasing drying times, overfilling your dryer

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