Reasons Why Your Refrigerator Ice Tastes Funny Or Smells Bad

  Is there anything worse than taking a drink of a crisp and cold cup of water just to realize that it has a bad taste or odour to it? Your refrigerator ice can sometimes accumulate a funny taste or smell which can ruin your enjoyment of a cup of water or another beverage. Many homeowners have this problem, and they need to understand where it comes from to know how to remedy it.    Here are a few reasons why your refrigerator ice might not be enjoyable: 

Open Food in the Fridge

  When your ice has a funny taste, it might be because of what you had for dinner yesterday—if you’re not careful about how your food is stored. An open container of food will quickly contaminate the circulating air in the fridge and freezer. The ice will absorb the smell of the open

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Winnipeg Appliance Repair Company Announces 2 New Technicians Have Joined Its Team

WINNIPEG, MB: Mike’s Quality Appliance Repair, an award-winning appliance repair company, is excited to announce that it has hired two new technicians, both of whom are Ukrainian refugees.  Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, many Ukrainians are relocating to Canada to flee the invasion from Russia. Across Canada, the government is creating support programs for those who need to leave their country temporarily or permanently. Newcomers are arriving every week in search of work so they can afford accommodations in Manitoba. When Mike’s Quality Appliance Repair began searching for technicians to join its growing team, two Ukrainian refugees were among the applicants. With the addition of the additional technicians, Mike’s Quality Appliance Repair is striving to meet the demand for its services in Winnipeg and provide a steady source of income for two Ukrainian refugees and the rest of their staff.  “We recently hired

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Preventing Your Appliances From Becoming An Electrical Hazard

    No one likes to think about their household appliances as risky.  And, in general, they’re not.  But unfortunately, even with modern safeguards and advances in technology, the fact remains that electricity can still be dangerous under the wrong circumstances.     Since household appliances rely on electricity, it’s critical to maintain them regularly and pay close attention to anything out of the ordinary.  It’s also important to ensure that your home’s wiring and electrical outlets are in top condition.     In this post, we’ll take a look at a few of the ways you can keep an eye on your home and appliances to prevent them from becoming electrical hazards:  

Actively Manage Your Plugs, Cords, and Wires

It can be tempting to just get everything plugged in and then forget about it, but plugs, cords, and wires need to be safely and actively managed.     Make sure that cords

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Why Are My Clothes Still Wet After Running The Dryer?

    Few experiences are more frustrating than opening your dryer expecting the delightful warmth of a soft, fresh pile of dry and fluffy laundry…   …only to find a musty smell and cold, damp clothing items flattened against each other in a sad little heap at the bottom of the dryer.     Yuck.   Aside from the immediate disappointment of not being able to wear your favourite outfit or put the sheets back on the guest bed, you’ll also be wanting to know what’s wrong with your dryer and how to make sure this scenario doesn’t repeat itself.  After all, that’s the whole point of owning a dryer in the first place!   Some, but not all, of the reasons behind a dryer that won’t dry properly require expert intervention.  Before you call for Winnipeg appliance repair services, check out these quick fixes first:  


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How Do Animals Get Inside Household Appliances?

  Is there anything more alarming than trying to dry a load of clothes and having a mouse pop out of your machine? For many homeowners, it’s simply a fact of life that they’ll eventually find an animal inside their household appliances. The important thing is to know how they got there and what you can do to prevent them from doing so in the future.    Learn more about how you can prevent animals from getting into your appliances here:   

Vents Without Covers

One of the easiest ways for animals to dive into your home is through dryer vents. When you run your dryer, it puts off warm air through the vent, which feels nice and cozy for rodents. Not to mention, it provides a great source of shelter for these little creatures. You may even find that they like your dryer vents so much that

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Dishwasher VS. Hand Washing: Which Uses More Water?

  Dishwashers are a phenomenal invention.  Load ‘em up and then sit back and relax while a machine takes care of all that yucky leftover food and grime and returns you racks of sparkling clean plates, glasses, and cutlery.  Yes, please!   But you’re not alone if you sometimes feel a twinge of guilt when you use the dishwasher.  Perhaps you think that you’re wasting water and energy by not being a little more proactive and doing the washing up by hand.     But is this true?   The answer is: Usually not.  In general, dishwashers are actually more efficient and save more money than hand washing.  How can this be?  Let’s take a look at some hard data:    

The Hard Data

  Without getting too technical, suffice it to say that multiple scientific studies have shown dishwashers to be more efficient than hand washing.     Read More

Why Is My Whirlpool Oven Not Cooking Evenly?

      Nothing is more disappointing than putting your energy and heart into a recipe, anticipating a delicious outcome, and ending up with a sub-standard result.     Are grandma’s famous cookies coming out black around the edges but raw in the middle?  Or perhaps you’ve carefully seasoned a roast that turned out to be overdone in some places and underdone in others?     The blame does not necessarily lie with the chef.     It could be your oven.   If your Whirlpool oven is repeatedly transforming home-cooked dishes into disasters, it’s time to investigate.  While a visit from an appliance repair technician may be in order, try these simple tips to address uneven cooking before calling in an expert:  

Back to Basics

  It doesn’t take a technical expert to troubleshoot the following checklist.  And yet each item on the list can be a culprit of uneven cooking.  Let’s take a

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woman cleaning the oven

The Oven Won’t Self-Clean

  If you’re anything like me, the thought of a self-cleaning oven fills your heart with joy. No need to put on rubber gloves? Source steel wool? Or spend the afternoon with your head and shoulders awkwardly lodged under the stove? Sign me up. There’s a good reason why the self-cleaning function (technically known as the pyrolytic function) is standard nowadays on nearly all brand-name ovens. But, when your oven suddenly stops self-cleaning, it can make for a real meltdown (pun intended).  Whether you’re preparing to host a major holiday meal or simply baking cookies on a weekend afternoon, you’ll want to know what to do. If the problem persists, of course, you’ll want to call an appliance repair technician.  But before you get to that point, there are a few simple tricks you can try on your own.  Let’s take a look:

Troubleshooting Before Self-Cleaning

Before you attempt to run the self-clean cycle in your oven, be

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Popular Appliance Brands In Winnipeg

  You want to furnish your home with the best appliances money can buy. This can cut back on the number of repairs you need and extend the lifespan of your units. Not to mention, you can get the best of cutting-edge technology and energy efficiency. The question is, what are the popular appliance brands found in Winnipeg?   Here’s a quick overview of the brands you can expect to find when you start your appliance shopping, whether you’re looking for a kitchen appliance or a washer and dryer: 


Supply your kitchen with one of the most well-known brands in Winnipeg – Frigidaire. You might think that they only carry refrigerators, but you can actually furnish your entire kitchen with items from this brand. They sell ice makers, ovens, dishwashers, and more. Frigidaire sells a nice variety of refrigerators ranging from bar fridges to standard sizes. 


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close up of a new fridge

Pros & Cons Of A Refrigerator Water Dispenser

Luxurious kitchen interior Fridge features - There are so many of them nowadays!  With options for Wi-Fi connection, separate temperature regulation zones, built-in wine coolers, fresh herb compartments, and more, there’s a lot to take into consideration when researching the purchase of a new refrigerator.   One feature that has become pretty standard in Canadian homes is the water dispenser.  Interior, exterior, cold, or cold and hot, roughly half of the fridges sold these days include a water dispenser.  Everyone enjoys a chilled glass of water available at their fingertips.  But are fridge water dispensers really all they’re cracked up to be?  Let’s take a look.  

Three Reasons a Fridge Water Dispenser Is Totally Worth It

  • Convenience - It’s not like getting water from the sink is that much of a hassle, but staying

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