Household appliances are some of the most expensive items you might own besides your home and car. At a certain point, you’ll have to decide whether it’s time to repair or replace your fridge with a new, more energy-efficient one. Before you buy a new refrigerator, you should be aware of whether or not your current appliance has a little more life in it.Below are some guidelines regarding when you should repair that malfunctioning refrigerator and when you should consider a newer model:
Is It Worth Repairing A 15-Year-Old Refrigerator?
Every appliance in your home will eventually reach the point where it should be replaced instead of repaired; at a certain point, repair work becomes too costly for too little benefit. Your refrigerator works hard for you and can be a bit expensive to replace, so you should be aware of when to repair it and when you should replace it.Is it worth repairing a fridge that’s more than fifteen years old?
Common Lifespan of a Refrigerator
If you purchased a high-quality refrigerator for your home initially, you can expect that it will last anywhere from ten to twenty years with the right maintenance. This means that it might be time to think about replacing it once it hits the 15-year mark.Cost of the Repair
One thing to consider when it comes to the repair or replacement of your fridge is the overall cost of the appliance. Some experts recommend that youReasons Why Your Refrigerator Ice Tastes Funny Or Smells Bad
Is there anything worse than taking a drink of a crisp and cold cup of water just to realize that it has a bad taste or odour to it? Your refrigerator ice can sometimes accumulate a funny taste or smell which can ruin your enjoyment of a cup of water or another beverage. Many homeowners have this problem, and they need to understand where it comes from to know how to remedy it. Here are a few reasons why your refrigerator ice might not be enjoyable:
Open Food in the Fridge
When your ice has a funny taste, it might be because of what you had for dinner yesterday—if you’re not careful about how your food is stored. An open container of food will quickly contaminate the circulating air in the fridge and freezer. The ice will absorb the smell of the openPros & Cons Of A Refrigerator Water Dispenser
Fridge features - There are so many of them nowadays! With options for Wi-Fi connection, separate temperature regulation zones, built-in wine coolers, fresh herb compartments, and more, there’s a lot to take into consideration when researching the purchase of a new refrigerator. One feature that has become pretty standard in Canadian homes is the water dispenser. Interior, exterior, cold, or cold and hot, roughly half of the fridges sold these days include a water dispenser. Everyone enjoys a chilled glass of water available at their fingertips. But are fridge water dispensers really all they’re cracked up to be? Let’s take a look.
Three Reasons a Fridge Water Dispenser Is Totally Worth It
- Convenience - It’s not like getting water from the sink is that much of a hassle, but staying
Family-Friendly Refrigerators
A refrigerator is one of the hardest-working appliances in your home, something that you simply can’t live without. When it comes to investing in a new appliance, you should keep the needs of your family in mind when determining what features are essential. While you may not think of it at first glance, there are a few features you may want to have in a family-friendly refrigerator. What should you be shopping for in your new refrigerator? These attributes will make it much easier for you to maintain your kitchen:
In-Door Water Dispenser
While it may not be ideal if you have very small children, an in-door water dispenser is a useful addition to most family-friendly refrigerators. This allows your children to secure their own drinks without assistance from adults. As long as your children are old enough to use the water dispenser responsibly and to cleanReasons Why Your Fridge Might Be Leaking (Updated for 2022)
Leaks inside the kitchen do not always come from the dishwasher or sink. A faulty fridge may be to blame, even if it does not contain a water dispenser or ice maker. Thankfully, the leak will only be water, as the coolant utilized in fridges is a gas, and not a liquid. Unfortunately, a water puddle inside or underneath the refrigerator means there is an issue which will require attention right away.
Defrost Drain
Blocked defrost drains are one of the most typical causes of water leaks from a fridge and they are an excellent place to begin to troubleshoot. The tiny drain opening can get easily blocked by ice or food particles, preventing water, which accumulated inside the defrost cycle, from draining to the pan. As sufficient water builds up, it’ll start to leak out of the fridge and onto the floor. Clear yourWhy Is My Fridge Freezer Leaking Water?
You head to your refrigerator for a cool drink of water only to find that there is water around the bottom of the appliance. It appears to be coming from the fridge freezer, but what could be causing this mess? Fortunately, many of the issues related to a leaking fridge freezer are relatively easy to resolve with a little know-how. Here are some of the leading challenges you may be facing if your fridge freezer is leaking water. Evaluate your appliance today to see what could be causing your leak.
Ice Maker Difficulties
One of the most common reasons a fridge freezer will leak is because of issues with the ice maker. This area of the freezer has many things that could potentially go wrong with it. If you suspect that it could be the culprit of your puddle of water, there areHow To Maintain Your Refrigerator
You probably open your refrigerator dozens of times each day to get a cool drink or a snack. Chances are that you don’t think twice about how hard your appliance works for you day in and day out. The truth is that it needs a bit of maintenance if you want it to stay in tip-top shape. How should you be caring for your fridge right now to ensure it lasts for years to come? To learn more about how to keep your appliance running smoothly, this guide can help!
Keep Your Fridge Full
One trick to help your refrigerator run more efficiently is to keep it as full as possible. This helps it to maintain its thermal mass (the cool internal temperature) that you are used to. When you find that you’re running out of groceries toward the end of the week,When Should You Upgrade Your Fridge?
Is your old refrigerator giving you trouble? Many homeowners wonder when it is time to upgrade their fridge versus repairing an older model. There are no hard and fast rules about when to buy a new appliance, but there are some things you should take into consideration. For example, you might want to look at the age of the unit, its energy efficiency, and the warranty. If you are debating about getting a new refrigerator, here are a few things you might want to consider first:
Age of the Unit
At some point, you have to decide whether your refrigerator is going to nickel and dime you in repair costs. The age of the unit can be a huge factor in whether it is time to repair it or upgrade to a new appliance. The average refrigerator can last anywhere from ten toRefrigerator Light Not Working
You’ve wandered into the kitchen for a late-night snack, but when you open the fridge, all you see is darkness. How are you supposed to fix your snack craving when you can’t see what’s inside? You’ll need to fix the broken light bulb first.It may not seem important, but the bulb in your refrigerator comes in handy each time you open your fridge. Without it, you’ll be left in the dark! We’ve listed a few common causes behind this issue: